Disney Princess Half Marathon Countdown

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Plan Seems To Be Working

My training plan for my 10 Miler seems to be working. I am running faster and running longer distances than I was before. I now do a recovery jog at what use to be my running pace. My running pace is now faster at a 12 minute mile. This is pretty significant for me so I am hoping that within the next 5 weeks of training I will be running a 12 minute mile continuously. I also feel that the cross training I am doing in between my run days are helping me build strength as well.

Today was my fast run day and my run was for 38 minutes and I completed 3 miles. My intervals are jogging/walking/fast run. This was my first day doing a fast run and to me it was a fun run. I really enjoyed the challenge of running fast and feeling accomplished when the interval was over. I am glad that I finally feel that I have put together a training program that is working for me. I am not overtraining and I am not burning myself out. I just bought Jeff Galloway's "Half Marathon" book and am hoping to get a few more good ideas from him.

I am all registered the the 10 mile race and I booked my hotel room. I am looking forward to crossing the finish line and am hoping to do that is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Treadmill Time

When I first started running, I would run only on my treadmill. I ran almost every day for a good month before I ventured outside. At first, I did not like running outside. I felt that the runs were long and I always knew how much time I had left because I knew how much further I had to run to get back home. On the treadmill, you kind of just zone out and lose track of time. Once I started running outside, I soon became addicted to pounding the pavement. My treadmill, once again, started to collect some dust. Now with the weather getting very hot outside, I started back up on my treadmill today. What a difference being back on the treadmill! I actually felt stronger running on the treadmill. I remember when I first started (and if you look back at some of my very early posts in March) I impressed myself with running on an incline of 1 or 1.5. It was tough. Today I started out at a 20% percent incline and it was easy!

I have also become a huge fan of HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training. This type of method truly does help you get stronger and run further and faster. When I first started running, I just ran. One day I did 1 mile, the next 2 miles and so on until I was running 15 miles a week within 10 days of just starting too run. Bad idea! This is definitely not how you should go about running for distance. Because I did too much too soon, I ended up fracturing my ankle that went undiagnosed for a few weeks (because I couldn't get an appointment with an orthopedic for 3 weeks). That put me on the sidelines for quite awhile and put my goal of doing a 10 mile race in August possibly a no go. Two weeks ago, I started interval training-a combination of running and walking. Jeff Galloway, who is the preferred trainer for Disney races, believes in this method. Well, I am finding that I can run longer and faster distances using this training method.
I plan on continuing my training using interval training.

So my plan is to do 3 days a week of running-a long run, fast run and an easy run. It seems like this is the way to go when training for long distance races. This will help make sure you reduce your risk of injury and also makes sure you don't over train. On Sunday I did my long run-6 miles. Today I did an easy run-2.5 miles and on Thursday or Friday I will do my fast run. On the days in between running, I will cross train. I will do the elliptical, walk, do free weights or dvd's such as Turbo Fire or Insanity. Last night-a cross training day, I took a 3 mile walk with my friend at a decent pace. Ideally, I would love to do my interval training every other day but this won't always be possible. So I will just have to play it by ear and just remind myself that doing something is better than doing nothing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Official!

Today I registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon so I can it is official...I will be running the race on Sunday, February 26th. Registration opened on July 5 and I couldn't wait to register. Then I thought I should wait to just make sure I can do the 10 mile race in August. But I just couldn't wait a day longer. So I submitted my registration and in my eyes, there is no turning back.

Yesterday I purchased a nice pink 5 star 5 subject notebook that I am going to keep all of my training info in as well as all of my half marathon info in. It is a great way to keep organized. I usually find some great products in Runner's World Magazine and have been cutting them out and putting them on a wish list.

February seems so far away but I know it will go fast. I am a bit nervous since the weather in the northeast during the months leading up to the race is cold, icy and snowy. I am worried I will not be able to get in a lot of outdoor training. But no sense in worrying about that now. I am staying focused on training for my 10 miler.

Here's a video to the Disney Princess Half Marathon Event (2010)...it's going to be magical!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Longest Interval Training Session

Today I set my mind to doing 6 miles in preparation for a 10 mile race I want to do in August. My goal was to do the 6 miles in 78 minutes which would equal 13 minute miles. I figured if I can do that pace on a hot, summer day 5 weeks before the race, I only have room for improvement. I started out at 9AM and it was already 80 degrees out. The 6 mile trail I was planning on doing was 6 miles of blacktop and VERY hot. I did bring a bottle of water with me and finished it within the first mile. At that point I knew the next 5 miles were going to be not as easy as I thought.

At about 2 miles in I was thinking about turning around and only doing 4 miles. It was hot, I was out of water and I wasn't as focused as I wanted to be. At that moment when I was just about to turn around, a monarch butterfly landed in front of me. Butterflies remind me of my mother so I took it as a sign that she was with me and wanted me to push forward. So I did. As I got to the end of the rail trail at 3 miles, I knew I was definitely going to make 6 miles. After all, I had no other way to get home except get back to my car which was 3 miles away. So I kept at it. I ran a set of various run/walk intervals. My always did 1 1/2 minute walking intervals in between my running intervals. The most I ran was 3 minute intervals but it was perfect.

At the end of a 6 long hot, sweaty miles, I looked at my time. I did 13 minute miles the entire way! I was very proud of myself.

I am registering for the 10 mile race now that I know I can do 6 miles. I now have to get myself a hydration belt to wear so that I do not have to run/walk 5 miles again without any water.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Sights Of Cape Cod

I have been in Cape Cod for a week now and each and every day I have been able to get out and go for a walk/run. I have done anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 miles each day. Some days I take Maddie in the jogging stroller with me, other days I take Hailey and some days I go alone and do my interval training. I am slowly working my way up to longer running intervals. Cape Cod is the perfect place to do this. The terrain is generally flat with a few hills here and there. There are many, many people who run and walk along the coast so you never are alone. We have not had any rain and the temperature has been about 75 with no humidity. Perfect, right?

Here is a picture of the coast of Falmouth, MA that I took on one of my training sessions. How could you not want to get out there every day when these are the sights you see.