Disney Princess Half Marathon Countdown

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wow....long run and only 12 more days!

Today I did my long run but let me back up first since it has been a few days since my last post. I have really been trying not to overdo it or overtrain the last few days before my big race. It is so hard to do because my mind keeps telling me that the more I run or more training I do, the better I will be for race day. I know just the opposite is true. Too much, too fast, too soon leads to injury. I do feel a lot of nerves building up though at the thought that in just 12 days I am going to be running a 10 mile race.

I tried a Turbo Fire 30 minute high intensity interval training dvd on Friday to count as my cross training workout. It was a fun, energizing workout but you have to do a few times before you really get the choreography down pat. My knees were hurting with the squats so I didn't push it too much. My knees have been giving me a problem ever since I started running my fast runs and I think when I slowed down, I overextended my left knee. Anyway, it was a great workout. On Saturday, I didn't get a chance to run until 7 at night. As I have said before, I am definitely not a night workout person. Early in the morning is best for me. But it was the only chance I was going to get so I took it. It is funny how just a few months earlier, I was training for a 5K which is 3.1 miles. Now my easy run days are no less than a 5K. I never do a run that is less than 3.1 miles. At one time, a 5K seemed big to me now it is just a typical run. I am glad to see the improvement.

Today was my long run day. My goal was to run 95 minutes---1 hour and 35 minutes. I was hoping to do at least 7 miles. The longest distance I have ever run before was 6 miles so today was another mile. It was definitely a challenge and a few times I wanted to give up especially when I looked at the time and I had at least 70 minutes left! My plan was to start out easy, pick up the pace then pick up the pace even more. So that is what I did. I ended up running 7.5 miles in 95 minutes. Not too bad since I hit the 6 mile mark at 76 minutes which was 4 minutes better than my last long run. I would still like to run faster minute miles but I have to remind myself that I am still doing well and achieving a goal. 10 miles is no easy task to complete. I will do it just not in the time I will hope for.

I am already feeling the burn and may need some ice later one. 12 more days then ready, set, GO!

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