Disney Princess Half Marathon Countdown

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Big Race-The York 10 Miler

Well I did it! I completed my first big race...The York 10 Miler. Boy was it an experience. I was very nervous the morning of the race. I made sure to lay out all of my clothes the night before since my alarm was set for 5:15AM.

My friend Amy and I arrived at the bus pickup bright and early. My cheering squad (More Grandma, Fran and Hailey) would arrive later but just in time to see me run across the finish line. The time went very fast as we waited to hear "on your mark, get set, GO." A few bathroom runs were needed as the anticipation of running 10 miles built up. I definitely wanted to make sure I wouldn't need to stop along the way.

I was very itimidated by the big hill that I was expected to run up right at the very start.

I know it doesn't look that big from the picture but it was a decent hill. It was also very humid out that morning so I was sweating right from the very beginning. The rail trail was surprisingly all gravel which was unexpected. I began the race feeling pretty darn good and running with several groups of people around me. By mile 5 I was starting to slow down. I knew by mile 6 I wasn't going to make my goal time and once I told myself that, I gave myself permission to just slow down and just enjoy the experience. Amy and I were always in close proximity to each other. It was so nice to have someone close by to check on you and just keep you going.

By mile 8, I felt some blisters forming on my feet probably from running on the uneven and gravel terrain. They weren't too bad but definitely uncomfortable since I never had trouble with blisters before. People all along the rail trail gave you words of encouragement and helped me keep going. A few times, I wanted to sit and take a rest. But I kept on going. Knowing that a hurricane was approaching our area and that I had a 5 hour drive home, helped me move along mile after mile.

As I got closer to the finish line several people were telling me I was almost there. Thank goodness. As I came across the finish line, I saw my cheering squad and was happy to know that I had done it. Although I didn't get the goal time I was hoping for (I was 14 minute behind my goal time), I still cried a few tears of joy. I completed the race in 2:24:03.

There is my name (Kelly Pluchino) on the official scoreboard. There's my proof. So now I am taking a few days off to prepare myself for my next race....maybe a 1/2 marathon on October 2...alot earlier than I expected to run one but maybe, just maybe, I will do it.

And the Grand Finale...Chris and Hailey got me a cake that had my bib number on it (110) and my race time (2:24:03)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Almost There....

The last week I have spent really psyching myself up for the big 10 mile race I am doing this Saturday. Running is not only a physical sport but also a mental one. You tend to play a lot of mind games with yourself and sometimes the mind does win. I realized during my last one that many times my legs can keep moving but sometimes my mind says to stop. I am hoping that during Saturday's race I am focused and not distracted. I have been preparing a long time for this day.

I hate the anticipation about the race. I know I will feel intimidated by many but have to remember that I have come very far in the last 5 months. I never thought I would be a 37 year old mom of two running a 10 mile race.

I have cut back on my mileage this past week. I have been running every other day but no more than 3.5 miles. Tomorrow will be my last run day before the big day. The race is early in the morning which I am happy about since I am a morning person.

I am a little nervous about getting dehydrated so I am going to water down some Gatorade Performance drink in my water bottle and drink that throughout the race. I also packed 10 skittles and will eat one after every completed mile. I have Luna protein bars packed to eat after the race. It will be a long day no doubt. Running 10 miles then driving 5 hours home to be get home before Hurricane Irene brings some nasty weather our way. I am looking forward to finishing the race, getting home safely and laying on the couch knowing I just achieved another goal.

Wish me luck....my next post will be after the race.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wow....long run and only 12 more days!

Today I did my long run but let me back up first since it has been a few days since my last post. I have really been trying not to overdo it or overtrain the last few days before my big race. It is so hard to do because my mind keeps telling me that the more I run or more training I do, the better I will be for race day. I know just the opposite is true. Too much, too fast, too soon leads to injury. I do feel a lot of nerves building up though at the thought that in just 12 days I am going to be running a 10 mile race.

I tried a Turbo Fire 30 minute high intensity interval training dvd on Friday to count as my cross training workout. It was a fun, energizing workout but you have to do a few times before you really get the choreography down pat. My knees were hurting with the squats so I didn't push it too much. My knees have been giving me a problem ever since I started running my fast runs and I think when I slowed down, I overextended my left knee. Anyway, it was a great workout. On Saturday, I didn't get a chance to run until 7 at night. As I have said before, I am definitely not a night workout person. Early in the morning is best for me. But it was the only chance I was going to get so I took it. It is funny how just a few months earlier, I was training for a 5K which is 3.1 miles. Now my easy run days are no less than a 5K. I never do a run that is less than 3.1 miles. At one time, a 5K seemed big to me now it is just a typical run. I am glad to see the improvement.

Today was my long run day. My goal was to run 95 minutes---1 hour and 35 minutes. I was hoping to do at least 7 miles. The longest distance I have ever run before was 6 miles so today was another mile. It was definitely a challenge and a few times I wanted to give up especially when I looked at the time and I had at least 70 minutes left! My plan was to start out easy, pick up the pace then pick up the pace even more. So that is what I did. I ended up running 7.5 miles in 95 minutes. Not too bad since I hit the 6 mile mark at 76 minutes which was 4 minutes better than my last long run. I would still like to run faster minute miles but I have to remind myself that I am still doing well and achieving a goal. 10 miles is no easy task to complete. I will do it just not in the time I will hope for.

I am already feeling the burn and may need some ice later one. 12 more days then ready, set, GO!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Only 16 more days!!!

Only 16 more days until my big race. I had to take the last 3 days off because I hurt my knee last week and I wanted to give it time to hopefully heal before it got any worse. I read a great book called "Marathoning For Mortals" and it really taught me a lot. It was a huge eye opener. I actually felt like the book was written for me. It talks about how you think that more running will make you faster and better. Not true. Proper training and not overtraining is the key. That is why I rested. The books says that at the sign of any possible injury, rest for 3 full days and you will come back stronger than before. So today I did an easy run and felt pretty good. I had some pain when I slowed down my running but it wasn't terrible.

I am getting nervous about my upcoming race. I realized that I really need to start planning out what I will need such as some sort of electrolyte replenishment for my water bottle to keep my sodium levels in a good range. Because it will be hot, it is important to drink more than water. If you deplete your sodium level during a big race, the after affects could be dangerous. I also tried some GU gels which are kind of like a gooey substance that comes in little packets that you can suck out while you run to also replenish your body with vital nutrients. It was ok but I would buy them in bulk.

I have also been eating very small meals ever 2-3 hours. I usually have egg whites, a protein bar, Greek yogurt and then a small dinner with a salad during a typical day. Although I try to eat healthy, going for long periods of time without food is actually just as bad as overeating. Because my days are so busy sometimes I don't get to eat until the afternoon or sometimes I will just grab something quick. I have been working very hard at changing that and making sure I eat small meals throughtout the day to keep my metabolism and energy going.

I am glad that I have been given another day to be up and running. One day closer to the big race....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Extra Run

Yesterday I wasn't so sure I would get a run in but I had about an hour between picking Hailey up from her art camp and Chris leaving for work. I set my HIIT timer (interval training) to do 2 min run/1 min walk. During my first walk interval, my knee kind of gave out and then I realized that I better slow down so I do not injure myself before my big race later this month. It kind of is like a catch 22. You have to run and train but with doing that comes the risk of injuring yourself. I never run less than 3 miles and have gone as far a 6. I would like to do 7 next week, then 8, then 9 then my big race of 10 miles. I just know that I am getting closer and closer and I cannot lose a day of training to injury or simply just wanting to take an extra day of rest.

I would like to do some cross training today by doing a Turbo Fire dvd. That is my goal for today at some point. In any case, just being active every day is what is important.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Easy Run Day

I usually try to run every other day to prevent overtraining and injury since I am only 25 days away from a very big race. However, I have run for the past three days for a total of 12 miles. The week ahead looks a bit hectic and crazy for me so I wanted to get my runs in when I knew I could. The next few days I am hoping to start a new workout dvd set called Turbo Fire. It is high intensity interval training workouts as well as fat burning workouts. It is similar to Insanity which I was doing a few months ago.

Today I did my easy run. It wasn't as easy as I thought simply because I had to do my run at 7:15 tonight. I am not a night excerciser. I prefer to definitely get my runs in in the morning. I was distracted thinking that there was laundry to get done, my cell was ringing, the kids needed a bath, etc, etc, etc. I hate distractions and not being focused. I tried to remind myself that everything will get done but it is important to stay focused. I kept trying to visualize race day and running along the route and finally the finish line. It worked for a little while.

I am not sure what is on the plan for tomorrow. I would like to get a run in but if not, I am open to trying out my new dvd set. I have to keep reminding myself that overtraining will only open me up to an injury. Definitely don't want that to happen.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Countdown Is On

As you can see from my ticker above, only 26 more days until the big 10 mile race. I can't believer it is going to happen this month. It may sound like a lot of time but really it isn't. I am not a big fan of running in the heat so I have been running more on my treadmill. Yesterday I did a fast run and it was too fast for me. My plan was do run at a 6.5 speed (which is less than 11 min miles) for 1 minute and fast walk at a speed of 4.0. OMG! One minute at 6.5 was very challenging. My legs were moving so fast that I soon became afraid that I was going to trip myself. All I thought about was doing just that and hurting myself before the big race. I decided it was better to slow down than hurt myself. I ended up running a 5.5 speed and 4.0 fast walk. However, I slowed down at some point and my average minute per mile pace 15! Bummer. Not good for me.

So today I was out very early in the morning to do a long run before it became too unbearable outside. I did a 6 mile workout and I maintained 13:30 minute miles which was definitely better than yesterday. It took me 80 minutes to complete the 6 miles. I was very happy when I finished and am already planning out tomorrow's workout. I may try to do 4 miles tomorrow. I don't have a day to lose now with the race coming up soon. Depending how my legs feel tomorrow, I may do some cross training instead. I would eventually like to get down to 12:30 minute miles and maintain that pace. I honestly don't know how people run 7 minute miles. Geez. In any case, I am glad just to be up and running.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Plan Seems To Be Working

My training plan for my 10 Miler seems to be working. I am running faster and running longer distances than I was before. I now do a recovery jog at what use to be my running pace. My running pace is now faster at a 12 minute mile. This is pretty significant for me so I am hoping that within the next 5 weeks of training I will be running a 12 minute mile continuously. I also feel that the cross training I am doing in between my run days are helping me build strength as well.

Today was my fast run day and my run was for 38 minutes and I completed 3 miles. My intervals are jogging/walking/fast run. This was my first day doing a fast run and to me it was a fun run. I really enjoyed the challenge of running fast and feeling accomplished when the interval was over. I am glad that I finally feel that I have put together a training program that is working for me. I am not overtraining and I am not burning myself out. I just bought Jeff Galloway's "Half Marathon" book and am hoping to get a few more good ideas from him.

I am all registered the the 10 mile race and I booked my hotel room. I am looking forward to crossing the finish line and am hoping to do that is 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Treadmill Time

When I first started running, I would run only on my treadmill. I ran almost every day for a good month before I ventured outside. At first, I did not like running outside. I felt that the runs were long and I always knew how much time I had left because I knew how much further I had to run to get back home. On the treadmill, you kind of just zone out and lose track of time. Once I started running outside, I soon became addicted to pounding the pavement. My treadmill, once again, started to collect some dust. Now with the weather getting very hot outside, I started back up on my treadmill today. What a difference being back on the treadmill! I actually felt stronger running on the treadmill. I remember when I first started (and if you look back at some of my very early posts in March) I impressed myself with running on an incline of 1 or 1.5. It was tough. Today I started out at a 20% percent incline and it was easy!

I have also become a huge fan of HIIT-High Intensity Interval Training. This type of method truly does help you get stronger and run further and faster. When I first started running, I just ran. One day I did 1 mile, the next 2 miles and so on until I was running 15 miles a week within 10 days of just starting too run. Bad idea! This is definitely not how you should go about running for distance. Because I did too much too soon, I ended up fracturing my ankle that went undiagnosed for a few weeks (because I couldn't get an appointment with an orthopedic for 3 weeks). That put me on the sidelines for quite awhile and put my goal of doing a 10 mile race in August possibly a no go. Two weeks ago, I started interval training-a combination of running and walking. Jeff Galloway, who is the preferred trainer for Disney races, believes in this method. Well, I am finding that I can run longer and faster distances using this training method.
I plan on continuing my training using interval training.

So my plan is to do 3 days a week of running-a long run, fast run and an easy run. It seems like this is the way to go when training for long distance races. This will help make sure you reduce your risk of injury and also makes sure you don't over train. On Sunday I did my long run-6 miles. Today I did an easy run-2.5 miles and on Thursday or Friday I will do my fast run. On the days in between running, I will cross train. I will do the elliptical, walk, do free weights or dvd's such as Turbo Fire or Insanity. Last night-a cross training day, I took a 3 mile walk with my friend at a decent pace. Ideally, I would love to do my interval training every other day but this won't always be possible. So I will just have to play it by ear and just remind myself that doing something is better than doing nothing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Official!

Today I registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon so I can it is official...I will be running the race on Sunday, February 26th. Registration opened on July 5 and I couldn't wait to register. Then I thought I should wait to just make sure I can do the 10 mile race in August. But I just couldn't wait a day longer. So I submitted my registration and in my eyes, there is no turning back.

Yesterday I purchased a nice pink 5 star 5 subject notebook that I am going to keep all of my training info in as well as all of my half marathon info in. It is a great way to keep organized. I usually find some great products in Runner's World Magazine and have been cutting them out and putting them on a wish list.

February seems so far away but I know it will go fast. I am a bit nervous since the weather in the northeast during the months leading up to the race is cold, icy and snowy. I am worried I will not be able to get in a lot of outdoor training. But no sense in worrying about that now. I am staying focused on training for my 10 miler.

Here's a video to the Disney Princess Half Marathon Event (2010)...it's going to be magical!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Longest Interval Training Session

Today I set my mind to doing 6 miles in preparation for a 10 mile race I want to do in August. My goal was to do the 6 miles in 78 minutes which would equal 13 minute miles. I figured if I can do that pace on a hot, summer day 5 weeks before the race, I only have room for improvement. I started out at 9AM and it was already 80 degrees out. The 6 mile trail I was planning on doing was 6 miles of blacktop and VERY hot. I did bring a bottle of water with me and finished it within the first mile. At that point I knew the next 5 miles were going to be not as easy as I thought.

At about 2 miles in I was thinking about turning around and only doing 4 miles. It was hot, I was out of water and I wasn't as focused as I wanted to be. At that moment when I was just about to turn around, a monarch butterfly landed in front of me. Butterflies remind me of my mother so I took it as a sign that she was with me and wanted me to push forward. So I did. As I got to the end of the rail trail at 3 miles, I knew I was definitely going to make 6 miles. After all, I had no other way to get home except get back to my car which was 3 miles away. So I kept at it. I ran a set of various run/walk intervals. My always did 1 1/2 minute walking intervals in between my running intervals. The most I ran was 3 minute intervals but it was perfect.

At the end of a 6 long hot, sweaty miles, I looked at my time. I did 13 minute miles the entire way! I was very proud of myself.

I am registering for the 10 mile race now that I know I can do 6 miles. I now have to get myself a hydration belt to wear so that I do not have to run/walk 5 miles again without any water.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Sights Of Cape Cod

I have been in Cape Cod for a week now and each and every day I have been able to get out and go for a walk/run. I have done anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 miles each day. Some days I take Maddie in the jogging stroller with me, other days I take Hailey and some days I go alone and do my interval training. I am slowly working my way up to longer running intervals. Cape Cod is the perfect place to do this. The terrain is generally flat with a few hills here and there. There are many, many people who run and walk along the coast so you never are alone. We have not had any rain and the temperature has been about 75 with no humidity. Perfect, right?

Here is a picture of the coast of Falmouth, MA that I took on one of my training sessions. How could you not want to get out there every day when these are the sights you see.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Up and Running Again

It has been a long time since I have been able to be up and running. About 2 weeks ago I finally was able to get an appointment with an orthopedic about my ankle. Turns out that I actually did indeed fracture my ankle. So I now have a soft cast on and am not really suppose to be doing too much on the ankle. I am also suppose to go to physical therapy 3 times a week. I have decided that the best therapy is to slowing start training again.

I will be in Cape Cod in Massachusetts for the next two weeks. What a better place to get up and running again. The terrain in pretty flat and what is more beautiful than walking and running along the beach. I also put an interval trainer on my phone so I can begin to train the right way-by not overdoing it. I set up the trainer to do one minute of running and one and a half minutes of walking. I was aiming for completing 10 rounds. I was able to do a 35 minute walk/run training session. It felt very god to get back into the swing of things. My ankle held up and it isn't feeling too bad.

I am secretly hoping to possible do a 4.81 mile race here in North Falmouth on July 9. I am completely unfamiliar with the race as well as the course. I also hope that you can walk/run it. I haven't registered yet. I want to give myself a few more days of doing some interval training.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Family Walk/Run

Tonight I went with my family for a short 2 mile walk/run. Even Nate, my 11 year old dog went too. We had so much fun doing little challenges along the way. Hailey and I would race to different points like big rocks and for sale signs on the lawns of different houses. Then we set out a goal to run a quarter mile loop slightly uphill. We kept giving each other words of encouragement (really me to Hailey) and acted like we were training each other. My 7 year old ran about 1/2 mile with me tonight which is a big accomplishment for her. Nate ran with us too. Chris and Maddie stayed behind and drew finish lines with rocks on different points of the road. Fun, fun, fun.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

6 Miles

Today I did 6 miles with my friend, Liz. We were up and walking (not running yet) on the rail trail early in the morning. We had a great time chatting away. We kept up a pretty good pace the entire time. We we hit the 2 miles mark we were going to turn around for a round trip of 4 miles. But then we were curious how much further the trail went on so we decided to just do it. Keep walking, keep chatting. We ended up doing a 6 mile walk at a decent pace. My ankle held up pretty well but again, I am icing it as I see here and blog.

I received my new issue of Runner's World magazine and am ripping it apart like crazy. I tear out products I see that I like or website that I want to look at. I still have my eye on a training watch with gps signal. They are costly though so it may just have to be a present under the Christmas tree.

Here's my trip from today...


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wallkill Rail Trail

Today was a beautiful day outside so I definitely was up and walking, not running. Hailey was invited to a friend's house to go swimming so I put the jogging stroller in the car, packed up Maddie and picked up a friend. We went for a nice 3 mile walk and half of it was with an additional 18lbs---yes, Maddie got cranky so I had to carry her for 1.5 miles. It was such a beautiful trail. The Wallkill Rail Trail is a paved path through the woods of the Hudson Valley. It is a very calm and peaceful path to travel and it is especially fun when walking with a friend.

I wish I could find a partner to train with for the half marathon. It is hard to find someone who has a similar schedule and also runs my same pace.

As I sit here and write this post, I am icing my ankle. I am counting down the days until I go to the orthopedic doctor. I am anxious to get some answers and find out why my ankle is still hurting and I am still limping.

Here is my trip from today:


Finally a Post-Lessons Learned

After I did my 5K race, my ankle was really bothering me. If you recall, I had hurt my ankle the week before my race and was advised by the dr. to not run the race. Lesson #1 learned....if you have an injury, stop and let it heal. So here we are almost 1 month later and my ankle is still giving me trouble and my workouts have been limited. Because it is still bothering me so much, I am seeing an orthopedic dr. who specializes in ankle/foot injuries in about another week.

I haven't been blogging because there really hasn't been much to blog about. I haven't been able to challenge myself in any way but I am hoping that changes within the next week. I have done a few long walks and runs but nothing too special.

I have spent a lot of time researching half marathon training schedules and reading various running blogs. I just finished reading "Running For Women" by Kara Goucher-an Olympic runner. I have compared several half marathon training schedules and I have officially overwhelmed myself with training overload. I am not quite sure of my training plan yet but whatever I choose to do, I am going to start from scratch as if I have never run before. I have a feeling I injured myself from doing too much too soon.

I am counting down the days to registration for the Disney Princess Half Marathon. Only 1 more month and you can bet I will be on the computer at 12:01AM on July 5 submitting my registration. Facebook has a great group that is just for those running the half marathon. I have read some great tips from runners who have completed the race before. I have also been viewing videos of the race on youtube and it really motivates me to keep focusing on preparing myself for this big day.

Today I am doing a simple walk on a rail trail with one of my friends. It is important to keep moving every day even though the weather is getting hotter and hotter in the Northeast. I am not a big fan of the heat but I will suck it up.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today Is The Day---MY 5K!!!!

Today I ran my first 5K (well I ran a 5K 15 years ago but it was so long ago that I am considering this my first 5K). There were so many variables that detered me from doing the race but I did it anyway. First and foremost, it was raining. I have never run outside in the ran before. The roads were slippery and I was being overly cautious since I already have a sore ankle. Then I was informed during my registration that the course wasn't marked. They gave us written directions to read and follow while we were running. Now I started to get really nervous. My first race---raining, nonmarked course, bum ankle. Oh boy! There were only 12 people in the race and now I really knew I was going to come in last.

Thank goodness for Chris' Aunt Kathy who made wonderful signs for my fans to hold. Chris, Maddie, Hailey, Fran and Grandma were all there to root me on, hold their signs and blow their party horns. At 9:30, I was up and running my first 5K. Not only was I the last one, but the ambulances were following me with their lights on. Boy was I definitely getting some special attention. The first 1.5 miles wasn't so bad. Then I hit my first hill and my ankle started to really bother me. The course lead us through a park path that consisted of gravel and grass which was hard to run on. I had 3 ladies in front of me that I was following so I knew I wouldn't get lost.

As we approached mile 2, two of the ladies started walking. This was my chance to not be the last one across the finish line. I picked up my speed but once I got close they started running again. As soon as there was a distance between us, they would start walking again. Once I caught up, they would run again. They definitely wanted me to be last. At one point, the 3 ladies ahead of me cut off part of the course and didn't turn down a side street. I was tempted to follow but knew I wouldn't feel like I completed the race if I cut some of the course out. So off I went on my own and knew I was now definitely going to be the last one across the finish line.

Once I completed running up the last hill, I was so happy. I knew the end was near. As I came down the road to the finish line, I definitely had a big crowd cheering me on. Not sure if they were just happy to know they could go home or go enjoy the complimentary continental breakfast they had for runners, or if they really were happy to see me. I was kind of embarrassed but my happiness overtook that emotion quickly. I had run 13 minute miles in the rain with a bad ankle to complete my first solo 5K. I did it. I also got the t-shirt to prove it!

This race was in memory of Sgt. Kenneth von Ronn who was a 20 yr. old soldier from my town who was killed in Afghanistan.

Here are some pics from today:Yes, that is the ambulance following me. Unfortunately, they got a call they had to go to and then I was on my own.

All in all, it was fun and interesting. I am glad I achieved what I set out to do.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Better Day

Today was much different than yesterday. Maddie was in good spirits and I ran a bit longer. I went 3.5 miles mostly walking with a few short runs here and there. Although my ankle is still swollen and in quite a bit of pain, I am determined to run the 5K on Sunday. I can't believe that I really haven't run since Monday. That makes me nervous.

I read a trick in Runner's World magazine. It said to count slowly to 100 as you run so you distract yourself from any pain or thought of wanting to stop running during a race. I tried that today and it worked. I plan on counting to 100 over and over again. I just hope I don't finish last. I guess the worst case scenario is that I have to walk some of it which will slow me down. But at least I will cross the finish line.

Here is the route I did today with Maddie in the jogging stroller. The weather was great and perfect day for a walk/run. So glad that Maddie did great and I didn't have to carry her the last mile.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nice Day...Terrible Walk/Run

So I took the last two days off in hopes of giving my ankle some rest. Because I have my first 5K on Sunday, I thought today I would take Maddie in the jogging stroller and go for a long run/walk. It turned out to be a very unfocused and not so great run/walk. It all started when I turned on my all sport gps tracker and it wasn't set up to the way I am use to having it set up. It still tracked my way but I like to be able to view the information throughout my work out and I couldn't do that today. Then Maddie's socks kept falling off and she kept dropping her toys so I had to keep stopping. My plan was to run 5 minutes then walk 10 minutes. I was aiming for a 3.3 mile route. I was so distracted plus my ankle was really bothering me when I walked. But I still tried to run and only lasted 3 minutes until I was limping. All I kept thinking about was how am I going to run the race on Sunday. I kept walking and was about 1 mile from home when Maddie decided to start screaming-tears and all. So I had to pick her up out of the jogger and carry her the rest of the way home. Now I was limping, holding a solid 18 pounder and pushing a jogging stroller and I was a mile from home. Oh and I eventually took her socks off so she w0uldn't lose one but I ended up losing one anyway. Somehow it fell out of the cup holder. Go figure.

Here's my course for today...50 minutes to do 2.7 miles...how pathetic is that!


I still plan on doing the race. The funny thing is I can deal with the pain but I am more frightened at the thought of coming in last and long after everyone was finished. I just know I will not be able to keep a good pace and will probably just doing my running limp along the 5K route. After the race, I can ice the heck out of it and then take a week off. But I will do the race no matter what. I am committed.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dr's Orders...Well Maybe

Today I went for an xray of my ankle because I could barely walk on it when I woke up let alone go up and down the stairs. The doctor seems to think I pulled a ligament and didn't give it enough time to heal before I was up and running again. I never take more then 1 day off in between runs (although I think last week I didn't run Friday or Saturday). I usually run 5-6 days a week so it doesn't give me much time to rest and recover from any injury that may have occurred. So...the dr. said to ice it, take a prescribed pain med and stay off of it for a WEEK! What???? I actually felt like I wanted to cry. I told him I have a 5K race on Sunday and he advised me not to push it. Well, we will just have to see about that. I plan on icing it like crazy today and trying to put my feet up whenever possible (that won't happen too much with 2 kids). Hopefully tomorrow I can go for a nice long walk and then Thursday and Friday do some short runs. I really don't want to not do the race. I also know I need to run each day to be prepared for the race. I am afraid if I rest the next few days, I won't be ready for Sunday. I also have to consider that Hailey is making her First Holy Communion on Saturday so I don't want to injure myself more over the next few days.

I was reading in my Runner's World magazine about overpronation and underpronations. It basically means landing on your foot the wrong way when running thus causing an angle in which you can hurt your ankles, heels, arches, etc. I watched a video on it on their website and I think this is my problem. Just not sure if I am an overpronater or an underprocater. A better pair of running sneakers might do the trick to preventing any further injuries but I am sure the cost $$$ for a specific pair of sneakers. Something to look into.

I guess I will just have to take this one day by day and see how it goes. Bummer.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Beautiful Morning

My goal was to be out by 7AM today for my run. Well, I was up and running at 6:45. I fed Maddie at 6AM put her back in her crib and left everyone else in the house sleeping. What a great way to start a morning. It is so quiet and peaceful out at that time of day. It was breezy and the birds were chirping away. I ran 3.3 miles and was back just in time to be there when Hailey woke up.

Here's my run from today:


I am a little nervous about my upcoming run on Sunday because I somehow hurt my ankle yesterday. I don't remember hurting it but when I came home from the track, my ankle was really bothering me. I hurt all throughout my run today and I didn't realize how much pain I was in until I stopped running when I got home. It is difficult going up and down the stairs and just walking in general without limping. I have absolutely no idea what I did. I am icing it when I can but I don't want this to interfere with my runs this week. I really need to keep up the pace this week in anticipation of Sunday's race.

I also started reading Runner's World magazine. It is filled with great information and some really cool products for a runner. Never knew there was so much out there. I would love to find a local mentor/running group to get involved with to help improve my running. Maybe I will start looking into that.

Not sure what will happen tomorrow with my ankle. If anything, maybe a fast walk will just have to do.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Run

Today is Mother's Day and I wanted to get my run in early. That didn't happen so I decided I wanted us all to go to the track so I can run yet still be with my family. We went to the track in the early afternoon and the weather was beautiful. I didn't have a great run though. It was the afternoon and I had just eaten some lunch, two strikes against me. Like I have said before, I am definitely a morning person. I enjoy running early in the morning and on an empty stomach (or after having a light breakfast). Maddie lasted only about 2 miles and then she got cranky. So I decided to end it there. Two miles of running around the track and then off to enjoy the rest of the day with my family. Chris did comment that he noticed I was running faster. I did the first mile in 12:45 minutes. Here is my logged run for the day:


I already have my running clothes set out for tomorrow. Only 1 more week until my 5K race. I want to get my run in tomorrow before the day gets started with Hailey and Maddie. My goal is to be out the door by 7AM since Chris is off tomorrow and can be home with the girls.

The weather for the week ahead looks great. I hope to get a run in every day.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Run With Maddie

Here's a pic of Maddie right before we were up and and running for our morning run. As soon as Hailey got on the bus we left. It was a beautiful morning...cool and sunny. Maddie did great. I am still hesitant to go too far with her for the fear that she is going to be hysterical and I still have a few miles to get back home. I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. It would probably make me run faster. Although my all sport gps tracker said I ran 2.5 miles, I think it was further. I thought it was at least 3 miles. I may go take a ride in the car later to track my route. I love the tracker but I am getting frustrated with it's inaccuracies. Still not sure why it says a rest time on the log. I know sometimes I lose a gps signal. I may try a different program to see if which one I like better.

I looked at the predicted forecast for my race day. It says it is going to rain. Bummer. The good thing is that it is going to be cool. The bad thing is I don't think my "fans" (Chris, Hailey and Madison and maybe Chris' grandmother) will be there cheering me on if it is raining. I will keep my fingers crossed. Hailey is making her First Holy Communion the day before my race and it is suppose to rain that day too. I am going to keep my fingers double crossed.

Here is the link to my run today. I basically ran one way and turned around and came back the same way. Tomorrow I may try for a longer run depending on Miss Maddie.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Early Morning Run

Today was another great run day. I got out at 7:15 and it felt great to be up and running. It wasn't part of the plan to go that early but Maddie didn't sleep that well so I was up almost all night anyway. Hailey was up getting ready for school and Chris was off from work. There was not going back to sleep so I figured it would be a great opportunity to get my run in.

I was a little bummed when I started out because my all sport gps tracker lost signal probably due to the cloudy sky. So it didn't track the first half mile of my run. When you view the link to today's run, it isn't accurate. The mileage is wrong (I ran 4.2 miles again) and some of the other stats. I still don't know what the rest time is. I swear I didn't rest for 10 minutes. The red line on the map is when the signal is lost. I ran 2 miles one way and ran 2 miles back the same route. I didn't realize the that 2 miles back were mostly all up hill. Not steep hills but gradual inclines so I definitely felt it.

I think I did a few seconds or maybe a half a minute better than my time yesterday. I made it back in time to put Hailey on the bus for school and then start my day. Tomorrow I will have to run with Maddie since Chris is back to work. My first run with her was 2.5 miles so maybe I will go for 3 miles.

Here is the link to today's run....remember thought it isn't accurate but shows some representation of what I did today.


Monday, May 2, 2011

What A Difference!

Today was my best outdoor run yet. It started early and it was nice and cool outside. I think those two factors helped make a difference. I ran 4.2 miles but the best part for me was I ran 12 minute miles. I was able to keep the pace throughout the run and was much more focused. I started out pretending today was the day of my 5K race so I had no choice but to keep up a good pace and push through the uneven and hilly terrain. I just kept visualizing the finish line. I was so happy when I felt I finally crossed my imaginary finish line.

Chris put an app on my cell phone call "allsport gps." It tracks your miles, pace, calories, etc. I can then go on the computer and see the results, as well as see them on my cell phone. It also shows your elevation which shows me just how uphill the last mile of my run is. Here's the link to my run:


I am not sure why it says I was inactive for 12 minutes or so. When I did get home, I didn't shut the app off immediately so that probably has something to do with it. My run was 49 minutes...4 minutes less than my last one.

On Saturday, I tried to go for a run with Maddie in the jogging stroller and Hailey on her scooter. I was only able to go for 30 minutes because my 8 year old was worse than my 6 month old. First she was hot and had to take her jacket off. Then she was cold so she had to put it back on. Then she found a turtle shell that I had to stop and look at. It was more difficult than I anticipated mostly because Hailey just wanted to ride a scooter and have fun. So fun we had and did find another turtle shell along the way.

Less than two weeks to go until my 5K race. I am hoping the weather is just like today and I am glad it is in the morning. I am definitely a morning person when it comes to running.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Maddie's First Run

Here's Maddie before our first outdoor run this morning. I decides that as soon as she woke up we would be up and running. I had planned to go yesterday but it rained all day so instead I stayed in and did circuit training from the Insanity total body conditioning program.

I was a little nervous about going mostly because I didn't know how Maddie would like the run. You never know unless you try, right? It was a huge success. The weather was perfect. Maddie made not one peep the entire time. I ended up doing 2.5 miles but did some walking along the way. This was only my second run outside plus my first run pushing the jogging stroller so I will most certainly be happy with 2.5 miles with a few breaks of walking here and there.

I definitely enjoyed this run more so than my first run outside on Tuesday. It was nice having company with me and the weather was so much cooler. Now if Hailey can learn to ride a two wheeler, she can come along with me too. I am getting excited about my upcoming 5K run. I hope the weather is like today. Great running weather.

It is easy to now go about the rest of my day feeling like I accomplished another goal. I am looking forward to many more runs with Maddie and hopefully Hailey.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Outside Run=Success

Yesterday I did my first outdoor one on pavement, up and down hills, gravel roadsides and road kill! I had decided the night before that I was going to do a 4.2 mile loop on the roads surrounding my house. I didn't feel much up to it but I did it anyway because I had committed myself to it. No excuses, right? I was tired when I started my run which didn't start until 2 in the afternoon. It was also 85 degrees and humid. Not ideal running weather (conditions or time of day) for my first outdoor run but I was up and running.

At first I was very distracted. I realized that when I run on my treadmill, I have no concept of time. I run in the same place, looking at the same thing. When I was running outside, I was well away of how far I had run and how much longer I had to keep running to get back home. The end of one block just meant I had another whole long block to run. The run seemed to last forever. Plus the last mile leading to my home was pretty much all uphill. I had to break up some of this run with a minute of walking followed by a minute of running. When it was over, I felt great and VERY thirsty. Chris met me outside with a huge glass of ice water. After several glasses, I realized that I had just accomplished what I set out to do and it felt great. I can only get better from here. Only about 18 more days until my first 5K race (I ran one 15 years ago but I don't count that since it was so long ago). I hope I am up for it. I am going to keep running outside every other day, if possible. Tomorrow I plan on trying to go just 2 miles but pushing Maddie in a jogging stroller. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I will be up and running.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cardio Power & Resistance

Today was an very early morning workout for me. I had a very busy day today so I had to make sure I was up and all worked out before Hailey was off to school. I did Insanity's Cardio Power & Resistance in preparation for an outdoor 4.2 mile run tomorrow (fingers crossed). I enjoyed this workout because it was intervals of cardio and toning. A nice balance between getting your heart rate up and then recovering while still working your muscles.

My goal for tomorrow is to run outdoors on the roads (hills included) a 4.2 mile loop around my neighborhood. I won't be able to run until later in the afternoon or early evening which worries me a little bit. I don't enjoy running/working out during these hours. I much prefer to do the morning but it isn't an option for tomorrow. I have a feeling it will be another instance of thinking this is going to be easy and then wondering why I ever thought that 5 minutes into running.

Let's see what happens...I will be sure to fill you in.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Outdoor Running

Today I ran 3.5 miles at the local track. It definitely is different running outside. It was windy and cold so it was harder to breathe especially since I have a cold. But it was easier to stay motivated because I could focus on different points to run to. When I run on the treadmill, I usually just focus on a plastic Rubbermaid storage container sitting on the basement shelf. My family came with me so it was nice to have company. Chris pushed Maddie in the jogging stroller. Yes, he walks as fast as I run. Hailey played on the bleachers and the track equipment and occasionally joined us for a lap around the track. It was great to have the motivation and the company.

I tried to do interval running. Two slow laps followed by a faster lap and then another lap faster than the last. Then start the cycle all over again. It sounded great but was hard to do. I averaged 14:30 minute miles which I was okay with since it was my first outdoor run. At least I know I can run the distance of a 5K. I also know that I am running less than 16 minute miles which is what I would need to run in the Disney Princess Half Marathon. That is still a long way away so I am sure by then I will reduce my time.

For my next outdoor run, I plan on running on the local roads which includes hills and a total of a 4.2 mile loop. Tomorrow I am just going to walk with a friend on the "rail trail" not far from my home. My legs are hurting tonight but in a good way. Here's a pic of me during my run today:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cardio Recovery

Today was my cardio recovery day which mean a I basically did a workout that was still tough but was a much slower pace. Lots of squats and yoga poses. I can honestly say I am not such a big fan of the slow going tempo. Made a 40 minute workout feel like 2 hours. It was a nice change of pace though.

Tomorrow I am planning on doing my first run outside. I am going to the local track and will run 3.5 miles in preparation for my 5K race on May 15. The plan is to run 2 laps at a normal pace and then 1 lap faster than the first two and the next lap faster than the previous 3 laps. Then start the intervals all over again. I will time my laps to see how well I do. Fingers crossed I keep a good pace and do well.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Plyometric Cardio Circuit

The name of my post doesn't begin to tell you how hard Insanity's circuit training workout is. I am on Day 3 of this new total body conditioning program that will hopefully build my endurance for running. My legs are sore and I curse every minute of the workout but I continue to keep digging deeper. Yesterday and today's workout consisted of "suicide drills" and a warm up that felt more like a workout.

I still have to get outside to run in preparation for my 5K race on May 15. Maybe tomorrow I will do a quick run on the treadmill and then do the next workout with my new program. Until tomorrow...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Insanity...Dig Deeper

Today I tried something new. I am starting a new body conditioning program called Insanity by Shaun-T. This program is an series of high intensity interval training segments that is suppose help condition your body and build your core, endurance and cardiovascular health. So I might as well give it a try. Insanity's motto is "dig deeper." I truly feel that this is what I have done in the past three weeks every time I got on my treadmill to run. If I set out to run 1 mile, I dug deeper and ran 2. If I tried to do a mile at a higher speed, I dug deeper and kept running longer and faster. Once I achieved a goal, I never went backwards. I never settled for less than what I could do. I will couple this with running as well since I have really enjoyed running. Today I did the Fit Test. Boy was it a challenge. I was thankful for the minute rest in between each interval. I did switch kicks, power knees, power jumps, suicide jumps, push up jacks and low plank obliques. My hope is that I will become more conditioned so I can run faster and longer. In two weeks, I will take the fit test again and see if I have improved.

I am looking forward to May 15 when I run my first 5K. Today I wore new running socks and a new running shirt both of which felt great to wear. Apparently, "cotton is rotten" when it comes to socks when running so no more cotton socks for me. I really need to start cleaning out my old workout clothes---out with the old, in with the new.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Change Of Pace

Today was a change of pace for me. I ran 14:17 minute miles instead of 13:20 minute miles. But I increased my incline to 2.0 which is suppose to be a better representation of what it would be like running outside but running on a treadmill instead. So I ran at a slower speed since today was my first day at running at this new incline. My goal was to run just 1 mile to get use to it. I played around with the speed a bit at first but then just thought I should get myself into a comfortable running pace rather than worry about speed. After 1 mile, I felt as if I could keep going so I went for 2 miles. It definitely was a challenge but I won't go back now. I will keep the incline at 2.0 and worry about my running pace later one. My total running mileage is now 44 miles. I realize that when training for long distance runs, I should be more concerned with endurance and how long I run not so much how far I run. But it is easier to keep track of miles so I will continue to do that.
Tomorrow I would like to run for one hour and do a longer run.

Today was my 37th birthday and my presents were geared towards my new love for running. Hailey gave me a Mickey hat to wear as I train for and run the Disney Princess Half Marathon. It is the perfect gift from a 7 year old. Chris gave me a Sportline ECG heart rate monitor watch. It is a sports watch that tells you your heart rate, how many calories you burned and your time. It also has other features but those are the ones I will be using the most. Below are some pictures of my very thoughtful gifts. Maddie gave me a little something too but it didn't have anything to do with running (a little stick figure decal of a little girl for my car to add her to the ones we already have of our family)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 More Miles

Total Running Mileage: 42 Miles

Today I ran 3 miles but my initial thought was to do 2.5. I was pressed for time and I didn't know how long Maddie would sleep. I decided that I would run until she woke up. As you can guess, I got 3 miles in which is a a 40 minute run. I was happy with both the length of time and the mileage. I have been doing more and more research on local races and even races not so local. I also have been looking at message boards and photos from the Disney Princess Half Marathon 2011. I didn't realize that Disney hosts many running events. All different lengths of races and all different times of day. There is another half marathon in September in which the race starts at 10PM. Too bad Disney wasn't closer. I would have loved to try a night race through Disney. I have found a lot of information on www.disneyrunning.com. It even gives you running maps around the resort so you can still run while you go on vacation there.

I am trying to find a race to run every month. I have a 5K race in May I am signed up to do. There is another one in June I am interested in doing but won't sign up for until I complete the race in May. I would love to run the Falmouth Road Race in Cape Cod in August but I have to get picked through the lottery system to get in. So that is not a definite race. Last year I watched the race and said I was going to run it. I am definitely more committed now than ever before.

I am going to start running outside 1-2 days a week to help with my training. I hope I can do that as it is easier for me to run on the treadmill with Maddie napping along side of me. I would like to run on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Let's see how that works out.

Not sure what tomorrow's run will bring. Until then.....42 Miles Completed in 17 days.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ready, Set, Race!

Today I signed up for my first official 5K race. It will take place on Sunday, May 15th in my town. Now I need to really start running outside every now and again to see how different it is from running on my treadmill. Today my goal was to run 3.5 miles but I actually hung on until I ran 4 miles. It took my 52 minutes. If I can keep the same pace for the 5K race, I should be able to complete the race in about 40 minutes. Maybe quicker if I pick up my speed between now and May 15.

Today when I was running I was thinking about how differently I feel since I started running just 2 short weeks ago. I definitely feel like I have more energy, more positive and more self confident. I also noticed that I stand up straighter when I am running. Hopefully this means my core is getting stronger. Above all, it is nice to take some time to be alone and recharge my batteries.

I brought a big black garbage bag up to my bedroom and I am getting ride of my old clothes and bringing in some new ones. I definitely need an updated wardrobe. I haven't bought new clothes in such a long time. I also made an appointment for a pedicure and a hair coloring. A little spoiling can go a long way.

Total Running Mileage To Date: 39 miles and counting

Monday, April 11, 2011

Early Morning Run

Today I ran at 7:30 this morning and I felt much better. I ran 2. 5 miles making my grand total now 34 miles. I would love to run that early every day but it won't always be possible. I am thinking about taking my running outdoors soon. Not sure if I want to go to the track or run by my house. I am not a big fan of getting in the car to drive to the track even though it is only 10 minutes away. I would rather walk out my door and get going. My one day soon I will give it a try. Not sure what my plan is for tomorrow. I would like to run at least 45 minutes. The last two days have only been runs that lasted just a little over 30 minutes. Since I wrote it, I guess that is what it will be. I feel like I have already committed to run at least 45 minutes. Maybe longer if I can. The treadmill is in the basement and every day the mess in the basement gets more and more on my nerves. I must start some spring cleaning ASAP. So maybe a 45 minute run following by at least 30 minutes of cleaning in the basement. My office is in the basement too so I see the mess way too often. Must do something about it quickly. Tomorrow should be an interesting day.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Running And Eating Cake

I definitely am a morning workout person. Today I didn't get a chance to get my run in until early evening. I definitely felt it took me longer to warm up and it seemed like what was suppose to be a quick run was taking forever. I was only 1.3 miles in and I felt like I had been running for hours. I ended up running 2.4 miles in 32 minutes. My grand total now is 31. 5 miles. Tomorrow my plan is to run first thing in the morning since I have a busy day planned.

I am replacing my weekly donut with some birthday cake this week. Although my birthday is at the end of the week, we celebrated today with a delicious red velvet and cream cheese filling cake.
I bought myself some new running clothes and think I like them so much, I may go back to the store for more tomorrow. They are super comfortable. I can see myself wearing them even when I am not running. Looking forward to tomorrow....another day I will be up and running.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Longest Run Yet

Today was my longest run yet in miles not in time. I ran 4.5 miles in one hour. Since I have increased my speed I am running further in distance but the most I have ever run in time has been one hour straight. I took yesterday off because I have had a nagging pain in my side since Tuesday. I thought maybe I pulled a muscle running so I decided to take the day off and see if it went away. Well, it didn't go away so I decided today I would be up and running.

I didn't have a real plan for today's run. My only plan was do whatever Maddie allows me to do today. She didn't nap real well yesterday so I didn't know what was going to happen today. I put the travel swing in the basement and told myself if she at least sleeps for 1/2 hour then at least I got a quick run in. Here's Maddie sleeping in her travel swing next to the treadmill while I am running.
After 30 minutes, Maddie started fussing and I was kind of disappointed. I really wanted just a few more minutes. Well, she ended up falling back asleep after about a minute so I kept on running. At 45 minutes she did the same thing but went back to sleep. Lucky me. So now I had my sights set on a 1 hour run. Maddie cooperated and not only did I get a good run in but she also got a good nap in. My total mileage now is 29.1 miles.

Now I feel more focused and have the whole day ahead of me. What a great feeling.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Going Back

So today I hit the treadmill knowing that since I ran a 13:20 minute mile, I would have to do that again today. No going back. Although I felt like running at a slower pace today, I knew that I could probably run at the same speed today. I ended up running 3.5 miles in 45 minutes. My grand total is 24.6 miles so far. Not too shabby for a beginner runner. I printed out a training guide specifically made for running the Disney Princess Half Marathon. To my surprise, training only consists of running 3 times a week....30 minutes twice a week and then a 3 miles run every other Saturday and a longer run on the the Saturdays in between. Weird. Doesn't seem like that little training over a 5 month period would get you to cross the finish line. But I guess it does.

It is amazing how I feel like I have come so far in such a short amount of time. Looking back at my previous posts, I was so excited to run 3 miles. Now a "quick" run is 2 miles for me. 3 miles now doesn't seem so difficult. I still can't believe I actually look forward to running and can't wait to get to the treadmill. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am alone in a quiet place where I can just focus and think straight. Those moments don't come around too much during the day with juggling family and a business. Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Met A New Goal I Didn't Yet Set Out To Achieve

So today was very busy and hectic. I only had one hour from the time I got home until I had to get Hailey off the bus. I quick put on my workout clothes and sneakers and I was up and running. In my haste, I set the treadmill at a speed of 4.5. I didn't realize it at first. I usually run 15 minute miles at a speed of 4.0. After a few minutes I felt more out of breath than usually. That is when I realized the speed was increased and set to run 13:20 minute miles. A big difference for me. A minute and forth seconds faster is quick a jump. I started turning it back down to my normal speed but then put it back up and thought I would try to run 1 mile at a 13:20 minute pace. I did it! I felt pretty good so I did another mile. 2 miles down at my new running pace. I had about 10 minutes left until I had to run outside to get Hailey off the bus. I totaled 2.6 miles in 40 minutes. A new goal has been achieved and I didn't even set out to do it. I felt pretty good although my knees still hurt. I have run 21.1 miles in 7 days.

I realize that running and training for a half marathon isn't so much about distance as it is about endurance which is why I try to run at least 40-60 minutes a day. I want to keep building up how long I can run versus how far I can run. It is a work in progress.

I must confess that I did go food shopping today and did get my one donut. It was delicious but not my favorite donut I usually get. Guess everyone else got their donuts before me today. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to eat it after I bought it because I had to go to the dentist. I had to look at my donut for a good 2 1/2 hours before I could eat it. But it was well worth the wait :)

Dinner tonight was yummy homemade vegetable soup with turkey meatballs. I also am increasing my water intake. I usually don't drink much during the day but I now am carrying my water bottle around with me and try to make sure I drink at least 2 water bottles full each day. I also love my green tea in the morning. I even give Hailey a cup with her breakfast. She loves it too.

I am putting in a picture of my inspirations: my family...Chris, Hailey and Madison. I run for a healthier me and a happier me. As I run, I think about my family and all the great memories and times we have ahead of us that can be enjoyed with good health. Until tomorrow....

Monday, April 4, 2011

One Week Ago Today...

One week ago today Up And Running was born. Today marks one week that I made the commitment to improve myself by training to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon. Although it is quite a ways away as you can see from my countdown ticker on this page, I wanted to start focusing on myself and my health sooner rather than later. So far so good. Today I ran 2.5 miles and it is funny how I think of it as a quick workout now. What a difference one week can make. I am keeping a running total of how many miles I have run and today makes 18.5 miles.

I ordered 2 free issues to Runner's World and I hope that it will give me some good pointers on building endurance, training, etc. I am not sure if they will get read simply because I have a pile of People magazine and Parenting magazine sitting here that remains untouched. Can't seem to find the time to just sit and read. I would rather be up and running. I am going to start looking for some local 5K's that I can run in the spring. I would like to also start running outside but for now I will make that a goal for a later date. I am enjoying my treadmill and don't want to cheat on my trusted friend just yet with the outside world.

I am very focused on eating healthy and never thought I would enjoy a pile of vegetables on my plate. But when you work hard at achieving something, I hate to sabotage it just for the sake of the taste of something delicious. I must say, however, tomorrow is my day to go food shopping and I will still buy my one donut and enjoy it immensely. Unfortunately, the girl scout cookies have also arrived but I was sure to place them way up high in the pantry. Hopefully, out of sight out of mind. I plan on putting them out at a Mary Kay Get Pampered Party I am having this weekend.

Not sure what tomorrow will bring. I have a lot of errands to do and a dentist appointment to go to. I can probably fit my run in later in the day. I don't feel as focused during that time of day though. But something is better than nothing I suppose.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

4 Mile Run=16 Miles For The Week

Today my goal was to run a 5K. I thought a 5K was 3.5 miles but when I googled it, it said a 5K is 3.1. So that was what I was going to do. Originally I planned on doing my run in the afternoon but I just don't feel like I focus as much in the afternoon as I do in the morning. Probably because it is later in the day and I am thinking of all of the stuff I still have to do. So I brought the travel swing down to the basement, put my workout clothes on including my sneakers and at the first sign of Maddie rubbing her eyes, I would be up and running.

I didn't know if Maddie would cooperate. Yesterday she only napped 20 minutes at a time. Wasn't sure if the same thing would happen. It was worth a try though. I told myself as long as I get 2 miles in, it would be considered a good day. So with Maddie napping in the travel swing next to the treadmill and Hailey playing with her dolls, I began what I hoped would be a practice 5K race. Not only did I complete the 3.1 miles but I made it to 4 miles. The first 2 miles went fast. I knew I could go to 3.1. Before I knew it, 4 miles was complete and I felt great. It took me 1 hour but I did it. Couldn't believe I ran for 1 hour straight. Best part, Maddie was still sleeping. I am glad that I am building my endurance. I am going to start looking for some local 5K races to run in the Spring. Until tomorrow....

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day Off

Today I decided to give my legs a rest. It was a busy day anyway so I don't even know if I would have had time to fit in my running. Maddie wouldn't nap more than 20 minutes at a time and Hailey made her First Penance in preparation for her First Communion so time was very limited. All day I kept thinking how I didn't go for a run. I definitely felt a little blah without my run. Tomorrow I plan on running 3.5 miles, my longest run yet. I believe this is the distance of a 5K race so I am already psyching myself up for it. It will most likely take me 52 minutes since I run 15 minute miles. Starting on Monday, I am going to try and increase my speed to run 14 minute miles. Here hoping I reach my goal for tomorrow and the week ahead. Stay tuned.

Friday, April 1, 2011

12 Miles!

Today I ran 2 miles which means I have run a total of 12 miles in my first 5 days of running. Not too bad for someone who never really consistently ran. I usually walked on my treadmill and would throw in a little running every now and again but nothing too substantial. I am enjoying the time I put aside for myself to run. Even though it is hard to find time each day, I try to really just fit it in whether it is morning, afternoon or night. Either tomorrow or Sunday, I would like to run 3.5 miles at once. Wish me luck. I will let you know how it goes.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another Day, Another Challenge

Today was a tough day. I was distracted and unfocused while running. My business phone was ringing like crazy, Maddie had a terrible night's sleep so I was up for most of the night, laundry had to be done, etc., etc., etc. As I was running, I was thinking of all the things I needed to do. My legs was hurting and for some reason I was really out of breath during the first 1/2 mile. Then I realized I had put the incline of the treadmill up a little higher and had been running on a steeper incline. Not much steeper but boy did it make a difference. I turned the incline back down to .5 but then turned it back up. I could use the challenge and I also wanted to be able to blog that I ran 1 mile at a steeper incline. So I did it. I ran 1 mile at a steeper incline when I could have just turned it back down. I decided I was just going to run 2 miles because I was so unfocused. As I approached 1.3 miles I just really wanted to call it day. But, I didn't and just said make it to 1.5. Then 1.5 turned into 2 miles and then 2 miles turned into 2.5 miles. Yeah. I not only ran 1 mile at a steeper incline but went over my goal of running 2 miles today. When all was said and done, I was glad I didn't give up. I realized that when I look at increasing my distance by 1/2 mile increments, I am able to be successful. Small goals but big achievement for me. So, in case you are adding up my mile so far, I ran 10 miles since Monday. Just another 3 miles and I ran a half marathon. I would like to run 3.5 miles either on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I just have to see which of those days I have the most time to spend on the treadmill.

I am also thinking of running the Falmouth Road Race (a 10K (7 miles)) that will take place in Falmouth, MA in August. Cape Cod is our favorite place to visit. We watched the Falmouth Road Race last year and I did say at that time I wanted to run the race in 2011. That course is very hilly though unlike the Disney Princess Half Marathon which is very flat. I have awhile to think about it and train for that one as well.

Today I had homemade sausage and spinach soup for dinner. It was delicious. I did add some white rice to it because I love either noodles or rice with my soup. Breakfast was egg whites, ham and a slice of cheese. I didn't have time to have a decent lunch so I grabbed a handful of kettle corn.

As the day comes to a close, I keep reminding myself of one of my favorite motto's:


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today when I tried to get out of bed, it hurt. My legs are so sore from the last two days. It hurts but feels good all at the same time. I wasn't sure when I was going to get my running in today. I decided I would get my workout clothes on so when the opportunity arose, I would be ready to go. As soon as Maddie went down for a nap I was UP AND RUNNING! I wasn't sure how much time I would have but I really wanted to get at least 2 miles in. I ended up running 2.5 miles even though my legs were so sore. Along with the running, I have been really focusing on a low carb, high protein diet. Breakfast is usually egg whites with some ham. Chicken salad or a lettuce wedge is usually on the menu for lunch if I can manage to get it in. Dinner is a lot of veggies (asparagus, string beans, peppers, broccoli, spinach) and some sort of protein. As far as snacks, I usually have sugar free jello with whip cream, sherbet or some honey wheat pretzel sticks with peanut butter. I still do have my occasional treats likes my once a week donut that I buy when I go food shopping. Definitely not ready to give that up yet.

I do have to say I am really enjoying running. I am already thinking ahead as to when I am going to fit in my running tomorrow. I am looking forward to another day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What??? 3 Miles???

March 29, 2011

3 Miles...Never. That wasn't even a thought when I jumped on the treadmill on my second day of training. This time I brought down my cell phone and listened to music. Believe it or not, I listened to Kidz Bop songs. I admit it. Kidz Bop songs are songs sung by kids but I just love them. I love them because it reminds me of Hailey singing songs around the house. I think of how my commitment to a healthier lifestyle is good for her and could benefit her in so many ways. So once again I got in my zone staring at the Rubbermaid bin across the basement and listening to music. My goal was again to run 2 miles. At 1.3 miles, I felt tired. My legs were sore but I knew the feeling would pass. By 1.7 miles I felt like I was running downhill and knew I could do 2 miles. Once I hit 2 miles, I felt darn good. I told myself I would go just half a mile more. At 2.5 miles I thought about writing on my blog how I did 3 miles and so I did it! I ran 3 miles on my second day of training. The best part was was that I was actually still standing upright and I was breathing normally. I didn't feel like I just ran 3 miles. I didn't feel that until I had to walk up the basement stairs. Talk about sore muscles. I quickly spread the word by sending out a text to a few people. I felt so good and my day felt so much better. Let's see what my next day of training holds.

Welcome To Up And Running

March 28, 2011

Welcome to Up and Running. This is my official blog that will document my training for running the Disney Princess Half Marathon 2012 and also my decision to commit to a healthier lifestyle. I decided to do this blog mostly because I not only want to be accountable to myself but also to you. I decided on the name Up and Running because I think it represents running (literally) and also my crazy busy lifestyle as a working mom who "runs" all day long. I am hoping that this blog will inspire me never forget the commitment I have made to myself. I am looking forward to hearing some "good job" and "keep up the good work" comments to keep me going. I know not every day is going to be great so I am hoping then to hear some "you can do it" and "get back on track."

So hear we go:

Bright and early on Monday morning, I put on my running sneakers and went down to the treadmill. I decided no phone calls, no texting, no TV. I was going to put myself in a zone and stare at the Rubbermaid storage bin that was on the other side of the basement. That would be my focus point. Disney requires that you maintain a 16 minute mile so I set the treadmill for a speed that would allow me to run a 15 minute mile. There is only room for improvement so if I can do a mile in 15 minutes to start, I wouldn't have a problem maintaining it. My goal was to run 1 mile. I was UP AND RUNNING! I thought about a lot of things. How all of this can change me for the better. I would be a good role model for my two girls. I would be healthier and hopefully live a lot longer. I would feel more confident and have a more positive attitude towards situations that challenged me.

The first half mile, I felt like I was running uphill. To my surprise, the last half of the mile felt like I was running downhill. My breathing regulated and I knew I could finish the mile. Then I thought of doing the blog and how cool it would be for me to tell everyone that I ran 2 miles on my first day of training. So I went for it. I ran 2 miles on Day 1 at 4.0 mph (15 minute mile) on a .5 incline. I felt pretty darn good both mentally and physically. I was so happy with what I had just accomplished. As I drank a glass of water and stretched out my legs, I was actually looking forward to Day 2 of training.